Good evening, Ya'll! I know it's been a while, but we've been busy busy over here, what with me finishing up the fall semester and crocheting my lil heart out, plus Kriztofer-Aiden in school and out of school on account of him being a sick, cranky toddler, and the hubby doing tattoos on and off, on top of looking for a 9-5 job, so I haven't had much time to be on here, and I apologize to you all for that! Good news is I have almost 4 weeks off until Spring semester starts, so I will be making appearances on here much more often!
The crochet business has been a little slow, but I have managed to produce a decent amount of inventory for the Winter Fest at my mom's church this Saturday, December 15, and if you live near Fort Pierce, Florida, I suggest coming on down, they will be having a bunch of stuff for the kids to do, as well as the adults! Also, there is a giveaway going down on the Facebook page, it ends December 15, so get your entries in now over at
The Pagan Mommy!!
Click the Link above for the giveaway! |
My biggest project as of late! A Baby Blanket! |
On another note, Yule is coming up fast, we have our tree up and decorated, and we have certainly decked the halls, and walls, inside and out! This being one of my favorite holidays, I love to go all out when it comes to gifts and decorations, we love doing homemade gifts, as well as tricky ones, we do things like double wrap the presents, or if a gift has multiple parts, we hide the parts around the tree or around the house, and we make a game of it, just to make the tradition a little more fun and intriguing! The alter is also decorated for the holiday with my fir branches and my red altar cloth!
Kriztofer decorating the tree for the 1st time! |
Yuletide Blessings to all this magickal season! |
Our tree and fireplace look so perfect together!! |
Our beautiful tree! |
If I haven't made it apparent enough, I love December!!! On top of Yule, it's my Birthday, and well as many other events, December is certainly a busy and fun filled month for us, and is always the greatest end to the year! Well, that's all I have to tell you for now, be on the lookout for many other posts from me in the coming weeks, there might be a giveaway coming up soon! *hint hint*
As always, keep it magickal, and Blessed Be!! )o(